I love- and I mean, LOVE- a good romantic comedy. Always have, always will. They’re without a doubt my favorite genre of movies. From a young age, I’d watch these movies where the guy stands outside of the girls house with a boom box above his head, or dashes through the airport to stop her from getting on her flight, or weaves through traffic on his motorcycle to catch her in her cab. The notions of what ~romance~ is supposed to be have been ingrained in me since I was a little girl. I, of course, carried this into my own romantic relationships over the years. The random floral arrangements, the hidden love notes, the extravagant, surprise waterfront date nights were all key indicators of romance.
When I started dating my (now) husband nearly eight years ago, I knew one thing: we had so. much. fun. together. I also found myself thinking that although we laughed til our cheeks hurt and loved each other immensely, he wasn’t “romantic” in the way the men in my favorite movies were. He wasn’t one for long winded love letters or weekly dress-to-the-nines date nights or jewelry gifts or cheesy instagram posts. But one morning early on in our relationship, he came to me carrying a steaming cup of coffee. He said “want a sip? This is a perfect cup of coffee.” I’m not one to turn down a sip of anything, let alone coffee, so of course I obliged. While I sipped it, he said “I know I made it perfect because I matched it to the color of your skin- it makes a perfect cup every time.” And that’s when I realized- he is actually so romantic. Not in the ways I saw in the movies or in books, but in a quieter, assuring, extremely thoughtful type of way. When I started my photography business, he built me a desk from scratch. He saw a small rose in a garden and plucked it to put it in my hair. He converted to a Taylor Swift fan (ha). He knows me better than anyone else. And while we do have our date nights, our picnics, our dancing and our flowers, I know that those aren’t what makes him romantic. It’s been said that there is nothing more intimate than being fully known, and I can attest to that. Eight years of dating later, I can truly say that my husband has shown me my favorite type of romance.